
Ballarat Golf Club – 160kW

Ballarat Gold Club – 160kWp


Due to the 2017/18 increase in energy prices the Ballarat Golf Club was incurring considerably higher electricity expenses each month – in excess of $10,000.  The club management undertook an extensive investigation into potential use of solar power alternatives. AEES Group’s financial modelling and cost benefit analysis allowed the club to make an informed decision and subsequently, AEES was appointed to install a 160 kW Solar Embedded Generator.

The breakeven for the project was below five years and fully financed by the clubs bank. The aim being to “pay for the system out savings made from the electricity bill”  No upfront costs were incurred with savings being earned from Day One.  The Solar PV system is guaranteed by AEES to generate 231,000 kWh of solar electricity.  Both Grid-Side and Solar-Side consumption/production is monitored live via the cloud by AEES, with automatic fault detection and reporting for each individual component in the installation.

AEES used the Sunpower P-19 395 watt modules coupled with SolarEdge DC Optimisation with the aim of maximising system production, ensuring 25-Year Change out back-to-back warranties and maximising space on roof. View the PV Magazine media feature:

This installation with AEES Group and Ballarat Golf Club annually offsets 51 metric tonnes of CO2 which is the equivalent of planting 1500 trees per year!



Solution Details 

Location: Piangil, VIC
Solar System Size: 160kWp
Fixing Method: Roof-mount
Technology: 380 watt Phono Solar PERC TwinPlus modules / SolarEdge 82.8K 3-phase inverters
Annual Energy Production: 1.7 GWh
Annual Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: 51 Metric Tonnes of CO2

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